

“Dishing up morality: How chefs account for gratuity.” Journal of Business Ethics. 2024.

“When given two choices, take both! Social impact assessment in social entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 2024. Forthcoming.

“Pulling back the curtain of environmental accountability: How boundaries shape environmental identities in the ski industry” Accounting, Auditing, and Accountability Journal. 2023.

“Dodd–Frank's impact on community-bank investment models: A Bayesian structural time series analysis” Accounting & Finance. 2022.

Is it time to clean up US tax-exempt nonprofit reporting?” Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 2022.

“Two sides of the same coin: An opportunity to refocus (un)ethical analysis.” Business Ethics, Environment & Responsibility. 2022.

“Impact measurement in an emerging social sector.” Academy of Management Discoveries. 2022. With Pablo Muñoz.

“When tax-exempt nonprofits detract value from society.” Academy of Management Perspectives. 2022.

“When tax incentives slow down positive change in social impact ecosystems and what we can do about it.” Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 2021.

“Business model innovation as a window into adaptive tensions: Five paths on the B Corp journey.” Journal of Business Research. 2021.

“Problems with crisis intervention.” Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 2020.

“Measuring the integration of social and environmental missions in hybrid organizations.” Journal of Business Ethics. 2020.

“Expanding strategic opportunities in nonprofits: Mapping the interdependencies of critical performance variables.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2019.

“Going pro-social: Extending the individual-venture nexus to the collective level.” 2018. Journal of Business Venturing.

“'Bang for buck' in microfinance: Wellbeing mentorship or business education?” 2018. Journal of Business Venturing Insights.

“The impact of B Lab certification on firm growth.” Academy of Management Discoveries. 2019.

“Imprinting with purpose: New pro-social opportunities and B Corp certification.” 2018Journal of Business Venturing. 

“Spiritually informed not-for-profit performance measurement.” 2017. Journal of Business Ethics.

“The case for competition: learning about evidence-based management through case competition.” 2014. Academy of Management Learning & Education.

“Unpacking not-for-profit performance.” 2014. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.


Thank you to the following organizations for their support of my research: